Semana de 27/10 a 02/11
Hello, My Friend! Vamos preparar as nossas atividades de inglês!
Teremos 03 atividades:
- Copiar o texto;
- Assistir ao vídeo e praticar as sentenças;
- Fazer nosso Quiz referente a uma estrutura gramatical.
Bons estudos!
Texto #01
Hi there!
My name is Michael Davis.
I’m originally from New York City in the United States, but I currently live in Los Angeles, California.
I’m 45 years old, and I’m an actor and filmmaker.
When I’m not working on projects, I love spending time outdoors, especially at the beach.
I’m also a huge sports fan, and I enjoy playing basketball with friends.
I have two kids, and we like to go on weekend road trips together.